AO Studios has designed the Natura Loft Apartment
Getting the benefit of another bed room that was unnecessary at the moment, the dining area was moved in to the spare room. Unlike the typical practice of wearing down walls to include a wide open concept dining and living space, no walls were divided because the pair preferred a sizable isolated family room to entertain visitors as well as for movie nights. However, to be able to fit a six-seater dining room table, chairs and shelf in to the spare room, space-saving ideas would need to be incorporated ingeniously.
To support the dining area fundamentals as well as permit better using space, part of the partition walls between your new dining area and guest room was removed. Ps3 slim accommodate a 3-way sliding door system which is built to permit the dining area and guest room to become easier accessible having a bigger entranceway and to produce a favorable social position for the pair to entertain in. The brand new and enhanced sliding door system also enables to have an added illusion of space for rooms while still permitting each room to keep exclusivity when needed. When guest stays over, the 3-way sliding door guarantees the guest bed room serves its purpose and stays private. Additionally, it enables the guest room to mix using the dining area to produce a long living area for that room.
AO Studios has designed the Natura Loft Apartment
A comprehensive feature wall that covers the service areas and flows through the house binds the spaces while developing a seamless language with light wood grain finishes. All of the original swing doorways were also changed with pocket sliding sections that hides away if not being used. This space-saving solution does mean that less room is adopted through the frequent lowering and raising of doorways, therefore giving the house a voluminous vibe.
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