This “holey” home has concrete materials and decorated with contemporary style that built in Kyoto, Japan. 2796 sq .- ft., two-storey house / studio on the properties of steel and concrete offers a distinctive and contemporary style. Of course, creative thinking and Taiyo Nakamura Anna Jinno (Eastern architecture firm Design Bureau) was not injured. bold, solid morphology round portholes lined shell-type house with a beautiful natural wood neighbors in a modern concrete and wood. tall, thin pieces evoke a sense of authenticity in an age of almost Titanic-style, if you will. Light is one of the major players in this house in modern design. “The light that penetrates into the architecture is always moving and never left. This is a symbolic spectacle,” according to the design bureau. “Light, which move through a hole in a circle projected on indefinitely, and never leave. Disappears from time to time, and opens it.”[source]
{Photos: Yutaka Suzuki}
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