Decor inspiration ideas this time is using old bicycle. If you are at home is no longer used bicycle used and confused to do anything against your old bicycle. It’s good if you understand the ideas that are now covered in this short article.
Used bicycle for not be used goods that inhabit your warehouse, they turned out to be empowered mark into an interior accessories in the room of your house. You can use the whole bike, or just take advantage of certain of the parts alone. For example, seat, chain, bicycle frame, bicycle handlebar and even can be used for decor inspiration ideas. These items can be ornaments in your home. Here’s decor inspiration ideas used bicycle into the interior of the house.
First, the bike is hung on white walls. A bit of advice if you want to put your used bike as a whole in the wall, use a decent bike for home wall decoration.
Second, the bike seat is used appropriate with its basic function as a place to sit. You can use bike seat , and then it was given legs to stand.
Third, a bicycle wheel is use for table, of the wheels has been modified, so it is not look like a bike completely.
Last in decor inspiration ideas are bicycle spokes transformed into a sort of chandelier place on the wall.
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