Mountain House California
Although it is a reserve mainly of the rich individuals, many people admire owning or even renting a mountain house California. These homes are usually located with on top of hills or high on its slopes. They are designed to give the owners a wide view of the area below him or her and hence he or she will always see his or her visitors far before they even reach the entry of the house. When it comes to designing these houses, there are lots of factors that are usually considered.
The size of land available is a very important factor on the design of a mountain house California. A building is usually designed depending on the amount of land that is available that it can be built on. If the land available is large, you will find the architecture designing a relatively large house which is usually spread out while in cases of small pieces of land, the architecture will concentrate of raising the house higher to create more floor space.
Mountain House California
Available material is another important factor. Although some people will be willing to move in material from far to build their dream home, not everyone has that capability. In case one cannot access all the necessary material, the design of the building will be changed to fit the local available materials. This also involves the soil conditions of the area. Normally most hilly places will have compact rocks beneath the surface; there are some situations where the soil may be mushy. This will greatly affect the type of materials needed and the building cost.
The special demands from a client can also affect the design of a mountain house California. A client may want his or her mountain house California to have a certain design and hence the architect will be forced to design the house according to how the client wants it.
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